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Children's Dictionary
signal acting as a signal. [4/7 definitions]
stoplight a traffic light or signal.
taps (used with a singular verb) the signal played on a trumpet or drum in the U.S. military forces. Taps are used as a signal for lights to be put out, or at the end of a funeral service.
telephone a device used to send sound or some other signal over long distances by wire or radio waves. A telephone has a part for speaking into and a part for listening. [1/3 definitions]
traffic light a street or road signal used to tell drivers when to stop or go. The signal changes colors from red to green to yellow.
warning a signal or notice of a possibly dangerous situation. [1/3 definitions]
wave a motion or signal made by moving the hand up and down or back and forth. [2/11 definitions]
whistle to signal or give a command by such a sound or sounds. [2/9 definitions]
word a signal or command. [1/6 definitions]