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Children's Dictionary
dip a sauce or soft mixture for dipping small pieces of food. [1/8 definitions]
down2 fine, soft, fuzzy feathers. Down covers young birds. Down is also found underneath the outside feathers of some adult birds.
earlobe the soft lower part of the ear.
earmuff one of a pair of soft pads that are worn over the ears to protect against cold. The two pads are connected by a band that goes over the head.
feather one of the soft and light parts of a bird that grows from the skin and covers the body. [1/2 definitions]
fig a soft fruit, with many small seeds, that grows on a tree native to the Mediterranean, or the tree on which the fruit grows.
firm1 hard or solid when pressed; not soft. [1/2 definitions]
flannel a soft material made of wool or cotton. Flannel is used for warm clothing and bed covers, among other things.
fleece material with a deep, soft pile. [1/3 definitions]
flesh the soft tissue, including muscle and fat, that lies between the skin and the bones. [2/3 definitions]
floss soft, silky thread used for sewing and embroidery. [2/4 definitions]
fluff a soft, light material, or a mass of such a material. [1/2 definitions]
fluffy soft, light, or airy like fluff. [1/2 definitions]
foam used as a short form of "foam rubber," a soft, man-made material that feels similar to a sponge. [1/6 definitions]
fudge1 a soft candy or frosting made by cooking sugar with butter and other ingredients, such as chocolate and nuts.
fur the soft thick hair that covers the bodies of certain animals such as the mink, cat, or fox. [1/3 definitions]
gecko a small lizard with soft skin that eats insects. The gecko has a short body and large head and can climb walls and trees. It is found in tropical areas.
gentle soft; mild; not harsh or violent. [1/4 definitions]
gold a soft, heavy, yellow metal that is one of the chemical elements. It is often combined with other metals to make it harder and stronger. Gold is very valuable. (symbol: Au) [1/7 definitions]
graphite a soft black or gray form of carbon. It is the writing material in pencils, and it has many uses in industry.
grease melted or soft animal fat. [1/4 definitions]