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Children's Dictionary
heavenly having to do with heaven as in religion or the space above the earth. [1/2 definitions]
hold2 the space inside a ship used to store things.
hollow having an empty space on the inside; not solid within. [2/7 definitions]
immediate close in space or time; near. [1/3 definitions]
inside into or in the interior space of a building. [1/7 definitions]
instant a very short space of time; moment. [1/4 definitions]
intergalactic of, having to do with, or located in the space between galaxies.
interval a space between objects or measured points. [1/2 definitions]
jam1 to force or pack tightly into a small space. [1/8 definitions]
jump a space or level, as in a game. [1/11 definitions]
loft an open space or room just under the roof; attic. [2/3 definitions]
magnetic field the space around a magnet in which a magnetic force is active.
magnitude the unit of measurement for the brightness of a star or other body in space. [1/4 definitions]
mall an open space lined with shade trees. A mall is used for walking and enjoyment. [1/2 definitions]
margin the blank space between written or printed matter and the edge of a page. [1/3 definitions]
matter all substances that contain atoms and take up space. [1/5 definitions]
meteor a bright streak or flash in the sky which occurs when small pieces of space material enter our atmosphere and burn up, often called a shooting star.
meteorite a piece of rock from outer space that has landed on Earth.
NASA an United States organization that conducts space travel and research. "NASA" stands for "National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
on forward through time or space. [1/20 definitions]
onward toward a point or position ahead in space or time. [1/2 definitions]