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Children's Dictionary
balance a state in which opposite forces are equal. [3/6 definitions]
bedraggled in a messy or shabby state. [1/2 definitions]
being the state or fact of living or existing. [1/2 definitions]
bloom the state or time of being in blossom. [1/3 definitions]
blues (used with a plural verb) a state of sadness. [1/2 definitions]
blur the state of being blurred. [1/5 definitions]
boil1 the state or act of boiling. [1/5 definitions]
Bombay the former name of a capital city of a state in India, on the west central coast. Bombay is now called Mumbai.
boredom the state of being bored or of not feeling interested.
boyhood the state or period of life when one is a boy.
Cal.2 an abbreviation of "California," a U.S. state on the west coast.
Calcutta the capital city of a state in India. Calcutta is on the eastern coast.
California a state in the western United States on the Pacific Coast. Its capital is Sacramento. (abbreviated: CA)
capital1 the city where the government of a country, state, or province is located. [2/8 definitions]
capitol the building in which the lawmakers of a state meet. [1/2 definitions]
certainty the state of being sure or confident. [1/2 definitions]
chancellor the head of state in Austria or Germany. [1/2 definitions]
chaos a state, condition, or place of complete confusion or disorder.
Cheyenne the capital city of the U.S. state of Wyoming. [1/2 definitions]
Chicago a city in the U.S. state of Illinois. It is near the southern tip of Lake Michigan.
childhood the period or state of being a child.