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Children's Dictionary
stack to put, store, or arrange in a stack or stacks. [1/5 definitions]
stock a supply ready for use; store. [1/11 definitions]
stow to put away or store in a place or container.
supermarket a large store that carries a wide variety of food and household items.
trading post a store in a frontier area or other place far from towns. At a trading post, local products can be traded for goods brought from distant places.
transitive verb a verb that is followed by a direct object. In the sentence, "My father owns a grocery store," "owns" is a transitive verb and "grocery store" is the direct object.
trunk a large, strong container, often with a lock, used to store or transport goods; chest. [2/6 definitions]
vault1 a sturdy room or compartment used to store and protect valuable things. [1/3 definitions]
window-shop to pass time by looking at goods in store windows without any intention of buying them.
workplace the place where one works, especially a factory, office, store, or the like.