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Children's Dictionary
picket to protest against as a picket during a strike or at other times. [1/3 definitions]
pound1 to strike over and over with heavy blows. [1/4 definitions]
scab a person who works in place of another worker who is on strike, or who does not support the actions of a labor union. [1/2 definitions]
scratch to strike out by drawing a line through or writing over (often followed by "out"). [1/7 definitions]
slash to cut or strike with a strong, sweeping motion. [1/5 definitions]
struck past tense and past participle of "strike."
stub to strike against something by accident. [1/3 definitions]
tap1 to strike lightly. [2/4 definitions]
thump to beat or strike with a heavy, dull sound. [2/5 definitions]
whip to strike or beat with quick, repeated strokes with a long, thin strap, or a rod. [3/7 definitions]
zap (informal) to strike, or kill suddenly. [2 definitions]