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Children's Dictionary
seesaw a type of play structure made up of a long board attached to and supported by a device in the middle. Although the board is attached, it is allowed to move so that people sitting on each end can alternately go up and down through the air.
shell a natural structure that protects and completely surrounds certain developing animals, such as birds or reptiles. [2/8 definitions]
shelter a place or structure that gives protection against weather or danger. [1/5 definitions]
spire1 a tall, narrow, upward structure shaped like a cone on the outside of a building; steeple.
squat having a low, heavy body or structure. [1/2 definitions]
stalk1 any long thin structure that is used to support something. [1/2 definitions]
stilt any of the posts used to support a structure built above the surface of land or water. [1/2 definitions]
swing set a structure made of metal or wood that holds up swings for children to play on.
tent something that is like such a structure in shape or some other way. [1/2 definitions]
tomb a structure built to hold the bodies of one or more dead persons. [1/2 definitions]
tree house a structure built within the branches of a tree for children to play in.
trestle a framework that holds up a bridge or other structure.
turret a low, steel structure that carries mounted guns on a tank, plane, or warship. Turrets can be rotated. [1/2 definitions]
vein one of a series of thin ribs or lines that form the structure of a leaf or insect wing. [1/3 definitions]
wall a structure that forms the side of a building or divides or shuts off a space. [2/4 definitions]
web a thin structure spun by spiders and the larvae of certain insects. [1/5 definitions]
wharf a structure built along a shore, and often into the water, where boats and ships dock; pier.