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Children's Dictionary
blue whale a mammal that lives in the ocean. Blue whales are the largest kind of animal that has ever lived. They can grow up to 100 feet long and weigh up to 150 tons. Their large mouths have baleen instead of teeth. Blue whales use baleen to filter lots of very small food such as shrimp from ocean water.
boll the seed pod of plants, such as cotton.
book a work of literature, such as a novel or a volume of poetry. [1/3 definitions]
boot the British word for the large compartment in the rear of an automobile used to store items such as packages and tools. "Boot" has the same meaning as "trunk." [1/4 definitions]
bore1 to make a hole in with a tool such as a drill. [1/3 definitions]
bottle the amount such a container will hold. [1/3 definitions]
brim the top edge of a hollow object such as a cup; rim. [1/3 definitions]
bristle something that is made of or looks like such a hair. [1/4 definitions]
B.S.1 a college degree earned in a science, such as biology or chemistry, after four years of study. "B.S." is an abbreviation of "Bachelor of Science."
bud1 a swelling on a plant that can grow into new parts, such as leaves or a flower. [2/4 definitions]
bug (informal) any insect or small crawling animal, such as a tick or spider. [1/6 definitions]
builder someone or something that builds, especially a person who makes buildings such as houses.
building the act or job of making such structures. [1/2 definitions]
bull1 an adult male of several kinds of mammals, such as cattle and elephants.
bulletin board a board on which things such as notices or advertisements are displayed. A bulletin board usually hangs on a wall either in your home or in a public place.
bull's-eye something that strikes the center of a target, such as a shot, or the act of striking the center of a target. [1/2 definitions]
burger a sandwich like a beef burger but made with a patty of some other kind of food, such as chicken, fish, or beans. The patty itself is also called a burger. [1/2 definitions]
button something that looks like a button, such as a round badge. [1/5 definitions]
cackle to laugh or speak with such a sound. [1/4 definitions]
cage a similar structure that carries or protects people, such as an elevator car or a bank cashier's cage. [1/4 definitions]
callus a thickened, toughened area of skin or other tissue, such as bone or bark.