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Children's Dictionary
grandfather clock a pendulum clock that is in a tall, narrow cabinet.
height how tall a person is. [1/5 definitions]
hemp a tall plant first found in Asia. Hemp is an important source of fiber for rope and coarse cloth. [1/2 definitions]
high reaching up a great distance; tall. [1/8 definitions]
high-rise a tall building that has many stories.
hollyhock a common garden plant that has tall stalks covered with bright flowers.
hop2 a tall, climbing vine that bears green cone-shaped flowers. [1/2 definitions]
hyacinth a plant that bears tall stalks of colorful flowers that have a sweet smell. The hyacinth grows from a bulb and is related to the lily.
Indian corn a grain that grows on the ears of a tall plant; maize.
lanky tall, thin, and awkward.
larkspur a plant with bright blue, pink, or white flowers on a tall stalk. The flowers have a long projection called a spur.
marsh a low, wet area, often thick with tall grasses; bog.
mast1 a tall, upright pole, such as those on which flags are flown. [1/2 definitions]
minaret a tall, thin tower on a mosque. A minaret has a platform near the top from which a person calls Muslims to prayer.
palisade a tall strong fence of pointed stakes. [1/2 definitions]
papyrus a tall water plant of the Nile valley in Egypt grown as an ornamental plant and once used to make a material like paper. [1/2 definitions]
penthouse an apartment or house built on the top floor or roof of a tall building.
pillar a tall column shaped like a cylinder that is used to support a structure or to serve as a decoration or monument.
poplar a tall tree that grows rapidly and has wide leaves. Aspen and cottonwood are members of the poplar family. [1/2 definitions]
redwood a very tall evergreen tree found in northwestern North America. Redwoods live for a long time and are among the largest trees in the world. [1/2 definitions]
reed a tall grass with straight, jointed stalks that grows in low, wet areas. [1/2 definitions]