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Children's Dictionary
Pilipino the native language of the Philippines, and one of the two official languages spoken there. The other official language is English. Pilipino is also called "Filipino."
ranch a large farm where cattle, horses, or sheep are raised. There are many ranches in the plains of the United States and South America. [1/2 definitions]
safety pin a pin folded back on itself to form a clasp. There is a spring at one end and a guard at the other end to cover the point. A safety pin is used to hold two pieces of cloth or other material together.
scatter to toss here and there. [1/3 definitions]
semicolon a punctuation mark (;). It is used to separate independent clauses in a sentence when there is no conjunction.
slide a piece of film on which there is a picture or diagram that may be shown on a screen. [1/11 definitions]
sparrow a small, common songbird with brown or gray feathers. There are several kinds of sparrows and they can be found in many different areas.
squirrel a small rodent that is active during the day. There are many kinds of squirrels found all around the world. The word "squirrel" is often used to refer to tree squirrels, small rodents with long, bushy tails. Tree squirrels have gray, red brown, or black fur.
swift a bird with long wings and a short tail that can fly very fast. There are several kinds of swifts. [1/3 definitions]
symptom something that happens in the body suggesting that there is a disease or disorder. [1/2 definitions]
talent show a program of entertainment that consists of various performers and performing groups who compete to show off their talent. Performances are mostly musical, but there are often comedy and dance routines, acrobatics, and other types of entertainment also.
there's shortened form of "there is" or "there has."
thruway a long highway that crosses one or more states. Cars and trucks can travel quickly on a thruway because there are few entrances and exits. Some states charge drivers for using a thruway.
traffic jam a slowing down or stopping of the flow of traffic due to there being too many vehicles trying to move through or there being an accident or other problem on the road.
venture an activity or undertaking in which there is risk or the result is not certain. [1/3 definitions]
vocal cords the folds at the top of the windpipe that produce the sounds of the voice. There are two pairs of vocal cords. When air passes over the lower pair, it vibrates and sounds are made.
vulture a large bird that usually has dark feathers and a bald head and neck. There are many kinds of vulture. These birds are related to hawks and feed on dead animals.
warbler a small American songbird that eats insects. There are many kinds of warblers and some are brightly colored.
wasteland land where there are no living things or where nothing will grow.
wilderness a region in its natural state where there are things like trees and wild animals, but no people living there.
wisdom tooth the last tooth on each side of both the upper and lower jaws of humans that is the last tooth to appear. A wisdom tooth can cause problems when there is not enough room for it to grow.