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Children's Dictionary
fat thick. [1/4 definitions]
foam thick, white bubbles of sweat on the skin of a horse or other animal, or thick white saliva at the mouth, caused by heavy exercise or disease. [2/6 definitions]
fog a thick mass, like a cloud, made up of tiny water drops floating in the air near the ground; mist. [1/4 definitions]
fur the soft thick hair that covers the bodies of certain animals such as the mink, cat, or fox. [1/3 definitions]
German shepherd a breed of dog. German shepherds are large dogs that resemble wolves and have a thick brown or black coat. They are used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for blind people.
glue a thick, sticky liquid used to join things together. [1/2 definitions]
goo (informal) a thick, wet, or sticky substance.
grease a thick, oily material used on machine parts, such as those in a car engine. Grease lets the parts rub against one another smoothly while the machine is working. [1/4 definitions]
hippopotamus a very large, round mammal that has short legs with hooves and thick skin with almost no hair. Hippopotamuses live in or near rivers and lakes of tropical Africa. They eat plants.
honey a thick, sweet liquid made from flower nectar by bees. It is yellow or brown. [1/2 definitions]
husky2 (often capitalized) a breed of dog. Huskies are strong, have thick fur, and are often raised to pull sleds in arctic regions.
icebreaker a ship that can break a passage through thick ice. [1/2 definitions]
ice cap a large, thick sheet of ice that spreads out over the land in all directions from the center.
jigsaw puzzle a puzzle that is made of a picture that has been cut into pieces of different shapes. The separate pieces must be put together to form the picture again. A jigsaw puzzle is usually made of thick cardboard or wood.
jute a thick, strong fiber taken from a plant and used to make rope and rough cloth. [1/2 definitions]
ketchup a thick red sauce for meat or potatoes made with tomatoes and spices.
lisp a speech problem in which "s" is pronounced like the "th" sound in "thick" and "z" is pronounced like the "th" sound in "this." [1/2 definitions]
log1 a large, thick piece of a tree that has been cut down and is ready for sawing, burning, or building. [1/5 definitions]
lotion a thick liquid for rubbing on the skin. Lotions are used to moisten, heal, or protect the skin.
lush growing thick and healthy. [1/2 definitions]
mantle the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core. The crust is the top layer of the earth--the layer we live on. The core is the center of our earth. The mantle is very thick and makes up most of the entire planet. [1/2 definitions]