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Children's Dictionary
lacrosse a game played on a field. The players use sticks with a net on one end to carry the ball and throw it into the other team's goal.
pass in some sports, to throw, hit, or otherwise move (a ball or other object) to another player. [1/14 definitions]
pitch1 to throw or toss. [3/11 definitions]
project to throw or cast forward or outward. [1/6 definitions]
reflect to throw back (light, heat, sound, or the like) from a surface. [2/5 definitions]
scramble to mix or throw together in a quick or random way. [1/8 definitions]
scrap1 to throw away because useless or without value. [1/4 definitions]
shovel to throw or move quickly, in large amounts. [1/6 definitions]
sick suffering from a feeling of needing to throw up. [1/4 definitions]
skim to throw so that a liquid surface is only touched in a brief or light way. [1/4 definitions]
slap to put or throw down with the sound of a slap. [1/5 definitions]
sling1 a leather loop used to throw a stone or other small object. [2/4 definitions]
sparkle to throw off or reflect little flashes of light; glitter. [1/4 definitions]
spew to throw out with force, energy, or excitement. [1/3 definitions]
stone to throw stones at to punish or kill. [1/6 definitions]
tackle to seize and throw a person to the ground. [1/5 definitions]
threw the past tense of "throw."
thrown past participle of "throw."
toss to throw lightly; fling. [4/8 definitions]
vomit to throw up food and other contents of the stomach through the mouth. [1/2 definitions]
wrestle to take part in the sport of wrestling, or to struggle to throw and hold another to the ground. [1/3 definitions]