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Children's Dictionary
limb1 a main branch of a tree. [1/2 definitions]
lime2 a tree that bears this fruit. [1/2 definitions]
locust a North American tree in the legume family that has leaves with many parts and white flowers that hang in clusters. [1/3 definitions]
log1 a large, thick piece of a tree that has been cut down and is ready for sawing, burning, or building. [1/5 definitions]
magnolia a tree or shrub with large pink, white, or purple flowers. In many species blooms appear before the leaves. [1/2 definitions]
mahogany an evergreen tree that grows in tropical North and South America. It has hard, reddish brown wood. [2/3 definitions]
mangrove a tropical tree that grows near oceans along shorelines or streams and has roots that grow above the ground. Mangroves grow very densely together and serve to prevent erosion of soil along the water. They also support wildlife and serve as barricades that help protect against damage from hurricanes and tsunamis.
maple a tree with notched leaves and hard wood, grown for its beauty, wood, or sweet sap. [1/2 definitions]
mulberry the fruit of such a tree. [1/3 definitions]
needle a leaf of an evergreen tree that looks like a needle. [1/6 definitions]
nutmeg the seed of an evergreen tree of East India. Nutmeg is made into a powder and used as a spice.
oak a tree that belongs to the beech family and bears acorns. [2 definitions]
olive the evergreen tree that bears such fruit. Olives grow in warm areas around the Mediterranean Sea. [1/4 definitions]
opossum a small mammal with gray fur, a pointed nose, and a long tail, which it uses to hang from tree branches. The common opossum is the only marsupial that lives in North America. Several other kinds of opossums live in Central and South America. The female opossum carries her young in a pouch in her belly. [1/2 definitions]
orange a citrus tree that bears such a fruit. [1/4 definitions]
papaya the yellow fruit of a tropical American tree, or the tree itself.
peach the tree that bears this fruit. [1/3 definitions]
pear the tree, related to apples and roses, that bears this fruit. [1/2 definitions]
pecan the tree that bears this nut. The pecan is related to hickories and walnuts and grows in the southern United States. [1/2 definitions]
pine1 an evergreen tree with cones and leaves shaped like needles. [2 definitions]
pistachio an Asian and European tree, related to the cashew and mango, that bears this nut. [1/2 definitions]