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Children's Dictionary
since from then until now (often follows the word "ever"). [1/5 definitions]
strike an action taken by a trade union or group of workers to stop work until the things and conditions that they ask for are agreed upon. [1/15 definitions]
syrup a sweet food made by mixing maple sap or sugar and water with other ingredients. The liquid is boiled until it is a very thick syrup. [1/2 definitions]
taffy a chewy candy made of molasses or sugar. Taffy is boiled and then pulled until it holds its shape.
tag2 a children's game in which one player chases the other players until one is touched. The touched player then becomes the pursuer. [1/4 definitions]
till1 until. [2/3 definitions]
up to until. [1/7 definitions]
wait to stay in one place until an expected event happens (often followed by "for" or "until"). [2/5 definitions]
West Germany a country in central Europe until 1990. West Germany was once known as the Federal Republic of Germany by itself, but is now united with East Germany to form one country, the current Federal Republic of Germany.
wishbone a forked bone found in front of the breastbone of most birds. Wishbones from cooked birds are used to make wishes. The two ends of the bone are pulled by two different people until the bone breaks somewhere near the middle. The person with the larger end left from the break is said to have won their wish.
yolk the yellow part of an egg. The yolk feeds the baby bird until it is hatched. People use egg yolks in many food dishes.
Yugoslavia formerly, a country in southeastern Europe located south of Austria and Hungary. Yugoslavia existed as a country from 1918 until it began to break up toward the end of the twentieth century. Eventually, it split up into the independent countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia. Belgrade, which is now the capital of Serbia, was the capital of Yugoslavia.