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Children's Dictionary
division a part of a whole. [1/6 definitions]
duck2 to lower the head or whole body quickly to avoid something. [1/3 definitions]
eighteenth one of eighteen equal parts of a whole; 1/18. [1/3 definitions]
eighth one of eight equal parts of a whole; 1/8. [1/3 definitions]
eightieth one of eighty equal parts of a whole; 1/80. [1/3 definitions]
element a part of any whole. [1/4 definitions]
eleventh one of eleven equal parts of a whole; 1/11. [1/3 definitions]
entire having all the parts; whole. [2 definitions]
fifteenth one of fifteen equal parts of a whole; 1/15. [1/3 definitions]
fifth one of five equal parts of a whole; 1/5. [1/3 definitions]
fiftieth one of fifty equal parts of a whole; 1/50. [1/3 definitions]
folk a person's parents or whole family. [1/5 definitions]
fortieth one of forty equal parts of a whole; 1/40. [1/3 definitions]
fourteenth one of fourteen equal parts of a whole; 1/14. [1/3 definitions]
fourth one of four equal parts of a whole; one quarter; 1/4. [1/3 definitions]
fraction a part or very small part of a whole. [1/2 definitions]
full1 whole; complete. [1/4 definitions]
global having to do with the whole earth. [1/2 definitions]
gross a total amount or whole before anything is taken out. [1/5 definitions]
half one of two equal parts of a whole. [2/5 definitions]
heal to make whole or healthy again; cure. [2 definitions]