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squall1 a sudden, powerful wind that moves in suddenly. Squalls usually bring rain, snow, or sleet.
storm a violent disturbance in the atmosphere that brings rain, snow, wind, thunder, or lightning. [1/5 definitions]
tempest a very strong wind along with rain, snow, hail, or sleet.
thunderstorm a storm with thunder, lightning, rain, and wind.
tie When you tie two strings or ropes together, you wind them over and under and around each other in way that makes them stay tight together. When you do this, you are making a knot or a bow. [1/8 definitions]
trombone a brass wind instrument. The trombone is a long tube bent in two loops that ends in a bell shape. It is played with valves or a slide that moves to change tones.
trumpet a brass wind instrument. Trumpets have three valves on a looped tube that ends in a bell shape. Trumpets produce bright, strong, piercing tones. Wind instruments made out of other materials that have a similar shape or sound to a trumpet can also be called a trumpet. [1/4 definitions]
tuba a large, brass wind instrument with a wide bell that produces deep, full tones.
tumbleweed a plant whose rounded, branched tops break off in autumn and are rolled about by the wind.
twine to twist or wind together. [1/4 definitions]
twirl to wrap or wind around something. [1/3 definitions]
twist to combine by winding together in order to make a single thread. [2/18 definitions]
vane a device set up to turn in the wind. Vanes show the direction of the wind. [2 definitions]
wave Something that curves like a wave in the water is also called a wave, especially when it is something that moves. When the wind moves crops back and forth in a field, we say it makes waves. [1/9 definitions]
weather When something is weathered, it changes or gets damaged little by little by things like wind and water. [1/3 definitions]
weather vane a device that swings in the wind to show what direction the wind is blowing.
westerly a storm or wind from the west. [1/3 definitions]
whip If the wind whips your coat, it strikes it with the motion or force of a whip. [1/7 definitions]
wind1 Wind is the air that moves over the earth. [2/3 definitions]
wind2 When you wind a long thing like a string, rope, or bandage, you make circles around some object with this thing. If a snake winds its body around a branch of a tree, it makes circles with its body around the branch. [3/5 definitions]
windfall a tree or fruit from a tree, blown down by wind. [1/2 definitions]