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Children's Dictionary
fluent able to speak or write easily and naturally.
house a group or assembly that meets to write, discuss, and pass laws. [1/6 definitions]
hyphenate to write, join, or divide with a hyphen.
illiterate not able to read or write.
indent1 to begin to write or type farther from the left margin than the other lines.
ink a liquid or paste, usually black or colored, that is used to write or print. [1/2 definitions]
inscribe to write by carving.
itemize to say or write each item of.
jot to write in a quick and simple way (usually followed by "down").
letter to draw, copy, or write with letters. [1/3 definitions]
literacy the state of being able to read or write.
literary having to do with literature or those who write or read literature. [1/2 definitions]
literate able to read and write. [1/2 definitions]
note to write down. [1/8 definitions]
pencil to write or compose by using a pencil. [2/3 definitions]
planner a notebook used to write down assignments or schedule events or appointments. [1/2 definitions]
print to write in letters like those of printed type. [1/8 definitions]
put down to write down. [1/2 definitions]
ramble to talk or write without a clear purpose or point, wandering from thought to thought. [1/3 definitions]
register to write down or enter in a record book or register. [1/9 definitions]
reword to write or say again using different words.