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accumulation the act or process of accumulating; collection. [3 definitions]
accuracy the condition or quality of being accurate.
accurate free of mistakes or error. [2 definitions]
accurately with accuracy; correctly; precisely.
accusation an act of accusing. [2 definitions]
accuse to charge with a crime or wrongdoing.
accustom to cause (oneself or another) to become used to something through use or experience. habituate.
accustomed adapted to or in the habit of (usu. fol. by "to"). [2 definitions]
ace a playing card or die face that bears only one spot. [7 definitions]
ache to produce or experience a dull, constant pain. [4 definitions]
achieve to reach or carry through successfully; accomplish. [3 definitions]
achievement something successfully carried through, esp. through bold or brave action or thought. [2 definitions]
acid in chemistry, any of a group of substances that usu. dissolve in water, have a sour taste, and form salts in reaction with bases. (Cf. base.) [6 definitions]
acid rain rain that has high acidity because of being mixed with pollutants such as vehicle exhausts and residues from burning of fossil fuels for energy or from chemical manufacturing.
acknowledge to admit or recognize the truth, existence, fact, or validity of. [4 definitions]
acknowledgment the act of acknowledging, or the fact of being acknowledged. [2 definitions]
acne a skin disorder caused by inflammation of the oil glands, resulting in pimples, usu. on the face.
acorn the fruit of the oak tree, having a smooth, ovoid nut partially enclosed by a rough, cuplike base.
acoustic having to do with sound or the science of sound, or with the sensation and organs of hearing. [3 definitions]
acoustics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of science dealing with the physics of sound. [2 definitions]
acquaint to introduce, or to make familiar or accustomed to (usu. fol. by "with"). [2 definitions]