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action something that is done, is being done, or will be done. [8 definitions]
action verb a verb that shows its subject performing some action. "Run," "eat," "fly," and "sing" are examples of action verbs.
activate to initiate action in; make active. [6 definitions]
active constantly doing something; busy; energetic. [7 definitions]
actively in a way that involves making an effort, taking action, or participating; not passively.
activist one who advocates a cause with vigor or militance.
activity the condition or state of being active. [4 definitions]
actor one who plays roles in dramatic productions on stage, in films, or on radio and television. [2 definitions]
actress a woman or girl who plays roles in dramatic productions.
actual truly existing or happening, not just potentially or in the imagination. [3 definitions]
actually as a matter of fact; really. [2 definitions]
act up to behave in a bad or mischievous way; misbehave. [3 definitions]
acupuncture a traditional Chinese practice of pricking certain parts of the body with fine needles to relieve pain or cure disease. [2 definitions]
acute of great severity or intensity. [7 definitions]
acute angle an angle of less than ninety degrees.
A.D. abbreviation of "anno Domini" (Latin); in the year of the Lord, or, since the birth of Jesus Christ (used in designating dates).
ad advertisement. [2 definitions]
adage an old familiar saying that expresses folk wisdom; proverb.
adapt to make fit or suitable for a particular need or condition; adjust. [2 definitions]
adaptable having the capacity to be adapted. [2 definitions]
adaptation the act or process of adapting, or the state of being adapted. [4 definitions]