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adulthood the part of life when a person is grown up; the adult years.
advance to move or send forward. [14 definitions]
advanced well beyond an early stage of development, or considerably beyond the level of others. [3 definitions]
advancement the act, process, or result of moving forward; progress. [2 definitions]
advantage a position or place of superiority or domination. [3 definitions]
advantageous offering benefit, gain, or profit.
adventure a journey or other undertaking that involves risk, danger, or excitement. [5 definitions]
adventurous given to taking risks and seeking excitement. [2 definitions]
adverb in grammar, a word that modifies a verb, adjective, other adverb, adverbial phrase, or sentence.
adversary a person, group, or thing opposed to another; opponent; enemy.
adverse opposed to or conflicting with one's purposes or desires. [3 definitions]
adversity a condition of misfortune or difficulty. [2 definitions]
advertise to present (a product or idea) in a favorable light to win public patronage, support, or approval. [4 definitions]
advertisement a notice or public announcement designed to gain public attention, esp. to promote the sale of certain products. [2 definitions]
advertising the business, profession, or action of creating and distributing notices to the public for the purpose of stimulating sales of a product or service. [2 definitions]
advice remarks or an opinion offered as help in making a decision or in choosing a course of action; counsel.
advisable being good and proper advice; recommended, suggested, or prudent.
advise to give advice to; counsel. [5 definitions]
adviser a person who provides advice. [2 definitions]
advocate to urge support or acceptance of. [4 definitions]
Aegean Sea an extension of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey.