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affiliate to associate or connect (oneself) as a subordinate member or branch (usu. fol. by "with"). [4 definitions]
affirm to firmly declare (something), or to state or maintain (something) as true. [2 definitions]
affirmative affirming. [4 definitions]
affirmative action a policy or program, supported by U. S. government regulations, to give equal opportunity in employment, college admissions, and the like to those considered previously disadvantaged, such as women and certain racial minority groups.
affix to attach or join physically (usu. fol. by "to"). [5 definitions]
afflict to cause physical or mental suffering to.
affliction a condition of pain or suffering, or the cause of such a state.
affluent having material wealth. [3 definitions]
afford to have enough money to purchase (something); be able to meet (an expense). [3 definitions]
affordable able to be obtained without excessive sacrifice of money or without incurring serious consequences.
affront an openly insulting deed or remark. [4 definitions]
Afghan a native or citizen of Afghanistan, or a descendant thereof. [5 definitions]
Afghanistan an Asian country bordered by Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan.
afield off the familiar or desired track, as in speech or thought. [3 definitions]
afire burning, as a house. [2 definitions]
afloat on the water; floating. [6 definitions]
afoot on foot; walking. [2 definitions]
afraid feeling fear or apprehension. [3 definitions]
afresh once again; anew.
Africa a continent of the Eastern Hemisphere south of Europe, between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
African of or having to do with Africa, or its people or languages. [2 definitions]