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airy open to the flow of air; breezy. [5 definitions]
aisle any passageway, as between sections of seats in a theater or sections of shelves in a store. [2 definitions]
ajar1 partly opened, as a hinged door, window, or lid.
AK abbreviation of "Alaska," a U.S. state on the northwestern coast of North America between the Bering Strait and Canada.
akimbo with hand on hip and elbow pointed away from the body. [2 definitions]
akin related by blood; kin. [2 definitions]
-al1 characterized by; of or pertaining to.
-al2 act; action; process.
Al symbol of the chemical element aluminum.
AL abbreviation of "Alabama," a southeastern U.S. state located between Georgia and Mississippi.
Alabama a southeastern U.S. state located between Georgia and Mississippi. (abbr.: AL)
alabaster a dense, fine-grained gypsum, often white and translucent, that is often carved for ornaments and figurines. [5 definitions]
alarm a sudden apprehension marked by distress or anxiety. [5 definitions]
alarm clock a clock with a bell or buzzer that can be set to sound at a chosen time.
alas used to express regret, sorrow, or grief.
Alaska a U.S. state on the northwestern coast of North America between the Bering Strait and Canada. (abbr.: AK)
Albania a Balkan country bordered by Greece, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and the Adriatic Sea.
albatross any of several of the largest seabirds, with webbed feet, long narrow wings, and hooked beaks, that are found chiefly in the Southern Hemisphere.
Alberta a Canadian province located between Saskatchewan and British Columbia.
albino an animal or human that has a congenital lack of pigmentation resulting in abnormally pale skin and hair and pink eyes, or a plant that similarly lacks pigmentation.
album a book or binder with blank pages or empty pockets in which a collection can be inserted, as of photographs, stamps, or mementos. [3 definitions]