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allure to attract by appealing to desires or wishes; tempt. [4 definitions]
all wet completely wrong; mistaken.
ally to unite or connect in a formal alliance (usu. fol. by "to" or "with"). [5 definitions]
almanac a published collection of interesting and useful facts about many different subjects. [3 definitions]
almighty having absolute power; all-powerful, as a deity. [3 definitions]
almond a tree of the rose family that is native to warm temperate regions, closely related to the cherry. [6 definitions]
almost not quite all; nearly.
aloft in or toward a high location.
aloha in Hawaii, a welcome, hello, or good-bye. [2 definitions]
alone separate from everyone or everything else; solitary. [5 definitions]
along by or through the length of; next to. [5 definitions]
alongside along, near, or by the side of. [2 definitions]
aloof uninvolved or distant; indifferent. [2 definitions]
a lot to a great degree or extent. [2 definitions]
aloud in an audible voice; not in silence or a whisper. [2 definitions]
alpaca a species of South American domesticated mammal, closely related to the llama, with long, soft hair. [4 definitions]
alpha the name of the first letter of the Greek alphabet. [3 definitions]
alphabet the letters of a written language, esp. if in the standard or customary order. [2 definitions]
alphabetical pertaining to or arranged according to the standard order of an alphabet. [2 definitions]
alphabetize to arrange according to the standard order of an alphabet.
Alps a high mountain range extending from southern France through Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Austria, and into the Balkan region and Albania.