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among in or through the midst of. [5 definitions]
amongst among.
amount quantity; measure. [4 definitions]
ampersand a sign (&) that represents the word "and".
amphibian any cold-blooded vertebrate, such as a frog or salamander, that has aquatic gill-breathing larvae and terrestrial lung-breathing adults. [4 definitions]
amphibious able to live both on land and in water. [3 definitions]
amphitheater an arena or stadium consisting of tiers of seats rising outward from an open central area, used for performances, contests, and the like. [2 definitions]
amphitheatre a spelling of "amphitheater" used in Canada and Britain. See "amphitheater" for more information.
ample sufficient or more than sufficient in size, capacity, or amount.
amplifier a person or thing that enlarges, expands, or amplifies. [2 definitions]
amplify to make larger or greater. [4 definitions]
amputate to cut off all or part of (a leg, arm, finger, or toe), esp. surgically.
Amsterdam a seaport and the nominal capital of the Netherlands. (Cf. The Hague.)
amt. abbreviation of "amount," the sum of two or more quantities; total.
amuse to occupy the attention of in a pleasing manner; entertain. [2 definitions]
amusement something that amuses or diverts; entertainment. [3 definitions]
amusement park an outdoor place offering games, rides on merry-go-rounds and roller coasters, and the like, and refreshments.
amusing able to amuse, divert, or entertain. [2 definitions]
-an one that is from, belongs to, or lives in. [4 definitions]
an variant of the indefinite article "a," used before words starting with a vowel or vowel sound. [2 definitions]
anaconda any of several large nonvenomous constrictor snakes, esp. a certain South American tree snake that can grow to over twenty feet in length.