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anatomical of or pertaining to the structure of a plant or animal. [2 definitions]
anatomy the structure of an organism or of its parts. [4 definitions]
ancestor a person from whom one is descended, esp. of several generations ago. [4 definitions]
anchor a heavy device, connected by a cable to a boat or ship, that is dropped to the bottom of a body of water to restrict the vessel's motion. [7 definitions]
anchovy any of various small, herringlike fish, used for food and found in the Mediterranean Sea.
ancient extremely old; existing for many years. [4 definitions]
and with; also; along with; as well as (used to connect words with identical grammatical functions). [3 definitions]
Andean of, located in, or resembling the Andes.
Andes a mountain range that extends the length of the South American western coast.
Andes Mountains a mountain range that extends the length of the South American western coast.
andiron one of a pair of metal structures that supports logs in a fireplace.
Andorra a small country in the Pyrenees, between France and Spain. [2 definitions]
android a robot or machine having human characteristics. [4 definitions]
and so forth with more of the same type. [2 definitions]
and so on with more of the same type. [2 definitions]
anecdote a brief account of a notable or humorous incident.
anemia a condition resulting from a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin and characterized by weakness, pallor, and difficulty in breathing.
anemometer an instrument that measures the speed and force of the wind.
anemone a type of plant related to the buttercup and characterized by large white, blue, purple, or red flowers. [2 definitions]
anesthesia complete or partial inability to perceive bodily sensation such as pain. [2 definitions]
anesthetic a drug that causes anesthesia in the whole body or in a localized area. [2 definitions]