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animal a living creature that is generally distinguished from plants by its cellular structure and by the ability to move voluntarily. [5 definitions]
animal rights rights of animals not to be subordinated to the needs and wants of human beings.
animate to rouse or bring to life. [9 definitions]
animated full of activity, spirit, or excitement. [3 definitions]
animated cartoon a motion picture made by photographing a sequence of drawings showing stages of movement, so as to create the illusion of motion when the images are projected in quick succession.
animator one that animates. [2 definitions]
animosity strong dislike or active hostility.
ankle the joint between the leg and the foot; part of the leg just above the foot.
anklet a sock that reaches slightly above the ankle. [2 definitions]
annex to add or attach, esp. to something larger. [4 definitions]
annihilate to destroy completely; reduce to ruin. [3 definitions]
anniversary the yearly recurrence of a particular event such as a marriage. [2 definitions]
announce to make known publicly. [4 definitions]
announcement a public or formal notice, statement, or request. [3 definitions]
announcer a person who announces. [2 definitions]
annoy to disturb or cause irritation, esp. by repeated bothersome behavior. [2 definitions]
annoyance someone or something that disturbs or irritates. [3 definitions]
annoyed feeling somewhat angry or irritated.
annual happening once every year. [4 definitions]
annually once a year; yearly.
annual ring one of the concentric rings of wood visible in a cross section of a tree representing the layer of growth from one year.