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antarctic of, at, near, or pertaining to the South Pole.
Antarctica the land mass that surrounds the South Pole.
Antarctic Ocean the waters surrounding Antarctica at the southern confluence of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.
anteater any of several toothless mammals such as the aardvark and pangolin that feed mainly on ants or termites by means of a long, sticky tongue.
antecedent occurring before; previous. [4 definitions]
antelope any of several ruminant mammals of Africa or Asia, having long legs and long, hollow horns. [3 definitions]
antenna a metal device that sends or receives electromagnetic signals. [2 definitions]
anthem a song of praise or patriotism. [2 definitions]
anther in botany, the part of a flower's stamen that bears pollen.
anthill a mound produced by ants in making their nest.
anthology a collection of written works, often of a particular type, by one or several authors.
anthracite a hard, shiny coal that burns cleanly with little flame.
anthrax an infectious, often fatal disease, esp. of sheep and cattle, but communicable to humans. [2 definitions]
anthropology the scientific study of mankind, esp. its origins, development, social customs and structures, and cultures.
anti- against or opposed to. [3 definitions]
antibiotic any of various substances derived from fungi or other organisms and used to destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria or other disease-causing organisms. [2 definitions]
antibody a protein in blood that reacts to particular toxic substances by neutralizing or destroying them, and thus provides immunity against them.
anticipate to look forward to; expect. [3 definitions]
anticipation the act or process of anticipating. [3 definitions]
antidote a substance that counteracts poison or disease. [2 definitions]
antifreeze a substance that lowers the freezing point of a liquid such as water, esp. in an automobile radiator.