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anyway in any case; anyhow; regardless; nevertheless.
anywhere to or in any place or direction; at any place.
aorta the main artery carrying blood from the left side of the heart to the arteries of all the rest of the body except the lungs.
Apache any member of a formerly nomadic North American Indian tribe chiefly inhabiting the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. [2 definitions]
apart separated by time or space; at or to a distance. [3 definitions]
apartheid a policy of racial segregation, esp. the official segregation of blacks and whites as it existed in the Republic of South Africa from 1948 until 1994.
apartment a room or set of rooms used as living space by a single household and usu. located in a building containing a number of such rooms or sets of rooms.
apartment building a building containing a number of individual apartments; apartment house.
apathy absence of desire or emotion. [2 definitions]
apatosaur another name for brontosaurus; apatosaurus.
ape any of a group of primates, such as the gorilla, chimpanzee, gibbon, or orangutan. Apes are large mammals and do not have tails. [5 definitions]
aperture a narrow opening, such as a hole, crack, gap, or slit. [2 definitions]
apex the uppermost point; tip; summit; vertex. [2 definitions]
aphid a small soft-bodied and slow-moving insect that feeds by sucking the juices of plants; plant louse.
Aphrodite in Greek mythology, the goddess of love and beauty; Venus. [2 definitions]
apiece for or from each one; each.
Apollo in Greek and Roman mythology, the god of light, prophecy, music, poetry, and medicine. [2 definitions]
apologetic expressing or wanting to express regret, as for an error or an offense. [2 definitions]
apologize to express regret, as for an error or an offense. [2 definitions]
apology an expression of regret, as for an error or offense. [2 definitions]
apostle (sometimes cap.) one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ who were sent forth to spread his teachings. [3 definitions]