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apprehensive feeling anxiety about future events.
apprentice one who works for another to learn his or her skill or trade. [3 definitions]
approach to come or go near to. [9 definitions]
approachable available to others; easily approached.
appropriate fitting the practical or social requirements of the situation; seemly; suitable. [3 definitions]
approval the act of approving. [2 definitions]
approve to give official sanction to. [3 definitions]
approximate very close in accuracy; nearly exact or correct. [6 definitions]
approximately close to, in the area of.
Apr. abbreviation of "April," the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.
apricot a soft round fruit with fuzzy orange-pink or yellow skin. [3 definitions]
April the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.
April Fools' Day the first day of April, when tricks and practical jokes are customarily played on unsuspecting people.
apron a garment covering all or part of the front of the body, usu. worn to protect the wearer's clothing. [3 definitions]
apt appropriate; suitable. [4 definitions]
apt. abbreviation of "apartment," a room or set of rooms used as living space by a single household and usu. located in a building containing a number of such rooms or sets of rooms.
aptitude ability to learn quickly. [2 definitions]
aqua a light greenish blue or blue-green color. [2 definitions]
aquaculture the cultivation of water plants, fish, shellfish, and other aquatic animals in controlled freshwater or saltwater environments.
Aqua-Lung trademark for an underwater breathing device similar to a scuba.
aquarium an artificial pond or container filled with water in which aquatic forms of life are kept. [2 definitions]