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arrowhead the wedge-shaped barb on the striking end of an arrow. [3 definitions]
arroyo a steep ditch or gully, usu. dry, carved in a plain or desert by drainage of heavy rainfall.
arsenal a building used for the storage or manufacture of weapons, munitions, and other military equipment; armory. [3 definitions]
arsenic a poisonous chemical element that has thirty-three protons in each nucleus and occurs in brittle, grayish white crystalline masses or in yellow or black allotropes. (symbol: As) [2 definitions]
arson the illegal act of burning buildings, another's or one's own, for malicious purposes or to claim insurance money.
art a fine skill that allows one to create a thing of excellence, beauty, or deep meaning that has resulted from natural ability, practice, or study. [4 definitions]
artefact variant of artifact.
artery a vessel that carries blood away from the heart. (Cf. vein.) [2 definitions]
arthritis a disease of the joints in which they become painfully inflamed.
arthropod a class of invertebrates with hard, segmented bodies and jointed legs, including insects, spiders, crustaceans, and myriapods.
artichoke a tall thistlelike plant whose flower head, composed of thick, leaflike scales, is cooked and eaten. [2 definitions]
article a single item or thing, esp. one of a class or group. [4 definitions]
articulate spoken in clear and distinct words or syllables, or having a tendency to speak clearly and distinctly. [10 definitions]
articulated lorry (chiefly British) a very large truck, consisting of a cab and freight-hauling trailer, that carries goods over long distances; tractor-trailer; semi.
artifact any object made by human beings, esp. one of an earlier era. [2 definitions]
artificial created by human beings. [3 definitions]
artificial intelligence research in and development of computer programs that imitate human thought processes such as reasoning or decision-making.
artificial respiration the resumption or continuation of a person's breathing, as by forcing air into and out of the person's lungs.
artillery mounted large-caliber weapons, such as cannons or rocket launchers, used in land warfare and manned by a crew. [3 definitions]
artisan a person skilled in making things, esp. with the hands; craftsperson.
artist a person who is skilled at painting, sculpting, music, writing, or the like. [3 definitions]