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as of beginning on; from.
asparagus a tall branching plant related to the lily, whose young shoots are cultivated and eaten as a vegetable.
ASPCA abbreviation of "American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."
aspect an element or part. [5 definitions]
aspen any of several poplar trees whose leaves flutter in the slightest breeze.
asphalt a sticky brown to black bituminous substance, occurring naturally or obtained as a by-product of refining petroleum and coal tar, and used for paving, roofing, and waterproofing. [4 definitions]
aspiration ambition, goal, or aim. [2 definitions]
aspire to want strongly; have as an aim (usu. fol. by "to" "after," or an infinitive).
aspirin a drug used to relieve pain and reduce symptoms of fever or inflammation. [2 definitions]
ass a long-eared, usu. domesticated animal related to the horse; donkey. [2 definitions]
assassin one who murders for money or for ideological reasons. [2 definitions]
assassinate to murder for pay or for ideological reasons. [2 definitions]
assault a violent physical or verbal attack. [5 definitions]
assemble to gather (things or persons) into a group. [3 definitions]
assembly a group of people gathered together, usu. for a specific purpose. [4 definitions]
assembly line a set-up in a factory whereby a product being put together passes, in moving along a track, conveyor belt, or the like, a succession of stations with workers, each of whom adds, adjusts, or secures apart to the whole.
assent to consent, agree, or give approval (usu. fol. by "to"). [3 definitions]
assert to state with force or confidence. [3 definitions]
assertive forward or aggressive in speech or action.
assess to examine and try to discover the extent, quality, or nature of; evaluate; measure. [3 definitions]
asset a useful or desirable quality or thing. [3 definitions]