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astray off the right or known path or course. [2 definitions]
astride over or upon and with a leg on each side of; straddling. [4 definitions]
astrology the study of the positions of the heavenly bodies in relation to each other with the aim of predicting their influence on human affairs.
astronaut a person trained to participate in space flight.
astronomer a scientist who studies the universe beyond the earth.
astronomical of or pertaining to astronomy. [2 definitions]
astronomy the branch of science concerned with the physical universe beyond the atmosphere of the earth.
as well in addition; also; too.
as well as and also; and moreover. [2 definitions]
as yet up until now; up to this point.
asylum (old-fashioned) an institution for the care of those who are unable to maintain themselves, such as orphans or the severely mentally ill. [3 definitions]
at1 on or in the location of. [5 definitions]
Atacama Desert an extremely arid region of northern Chile that lies between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains.
at all to even the slightest degree or extent; in the least (used in negative statements and questions only).
at all costs regardless of the effort or sacrifice necessary.
-ate1 to become, or to cause to become or have. [5 definitions]
ate past tense of eat.
at ease in the military, a standing position in which soldiers may relax but not leave formation or talk. [2 definitions]
at fault responsible for mistakes or errors.
at first in the beginning, or on the first occasion.
at full blast (informal) at maximum speed or capacity.