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audiovisual having both sound and a picture, as does a film. [2 definitions]
audition a trial performance by an actor, musician, or dancer. [5 definitions]
auditorium a large room in which performances, speeches, and the like are given in front of an audience, or a building housing such a space.
auditory of or pertaining to hearing or the sense of hearing.
Aug. abbreviation of "August," the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
auger a tool used by carpenters for boring holes in wood.
augment to make greater in size, degree, or amount; intensify by adding. [2 definitions]
August the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
auk any of a group of web-footed, short-winged sea birds that live in colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere and are skilled at swimming and diving.
aunt the sister of one's mother or father. [2 definitions]
auricle the visible, projecting portion of the ear. [3 definitions]
aurora australis the aurora of the Southern Hemisphere, seen esp. near the South Pole; southern lights.
aurora borealis the aurora of the Northern Hemisphere, seen esp. near the North Pole; northern lights.
austere having a stern or solemn appearance or personality. [3 definitions]
austerity the condition or quality of being austere. [3 definitions]
Australia an island continent southeast of Indonesia and between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. [2 definitions]
Australian of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Australia or Australians. [5 definitions]
Austria a central European country that lies between Germany and the Czech Republic to the north and Italy and Slovenia to the south.
authentic real, genuine, or valid. [2 definitions]
author the writer of a book, play, story, or the like. [3 definitions]
authoritative having or displaying authority. [2 definitions]