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autopsy a superficial and surgical examination of a corpse, usu. to find the cause of death. [2 definitions]
autumn the season of the year between summer and winter, in the northern hemisphere continuing from the September equinox to the December solstice; fall.
auxiliary serving to help, assist, or support. [7 definitions]
auxiliary verb a verb used in conjunction with a main verb in a clause that assists the main verb in reflecting aspects, voices, moods, and tenses. In the sentence "They have escaped," the main verb is "escaped," and the auxiliary verb is "have."
availability the condition of being available.
available able to be had for use or purchase; at hand. [2 definitions]
avalanche the sudden rush of a large quantity of snow, ice, or rocks down a mountain. [4 definitions]
Ave. abbreviation of "Avenue," a street, esp. a wide one (written as part of a proper name).
avenue a street, esp. a wide one. [2 definitions]
average a usual amount or kind; that which is not extreme or extraordinary. [9 definitions]
average out to amount to an average according to arithmetic calculation (usu. fol. by "to"). [2 definitions]
avert to turn aside or away. [2 definitions]
aviation the act, practice, or technology of human flight, esp. in airplanes.
aviator someone who flies an aircraft; pilot.
avid characterized by great enthusiasm or zeal. [2 definitions]
avocado a pear-shaped edible tropical American fruit with a green or black skin, usu. eaten raw in salads or the like. [2 definitions]
avoid to keep away from or keep from happening, esp. by active effort. [2 definitions]
await to wait for; look forward to. [3 definitions]
awake to wake (someone or something) from sleep; awaken. [6 definitions]
awaken to wake from sleep. [2 definitions]
award to present in recognition of superior qualities or performance; give as a prize. [4 definitions]