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bang a sudden, loud, explosive sound. [9 definitions]
Bangladesh a country surrounded by India on three sides and the Indian Ocean on the fourth.
Bangladeshi of or pertaining to Bangladesh or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
bangle a bracelet in the form of a solid ring, usu. without a clasp. [2 definitions]
bangs a straight-cut fringe of hair across the forehead.
bang up (informal) to damage or injure, as in a collision.
banish to cast (someone) permanently out of a country by official action. [2 definitions]
banister the rail of a staircase; balustrade. [3 definitions]
banjo a musical instrument with a circular body covered with skin, a long fretted neck, and four or five strings that are plucked or strummed.
bank1 a heap or mass of something, such as earth or clouds. [6 definitions]
bank2 a business concerned with the safeguarding, exchanging, and lending of money. [6 definitions]
bank on (informal) to rely or depend on.
bankrupt in a state of having been legally declared incapable of paying off one's debts and having one's assets administered by a court to compensate creditors. [6 definitions]
bankruptcy the condition of being legally insolvent or bankrupt; impoverishment or destitution. [2 definitions]
banner a piece of cloth, usu. with a motto or emblem and mounted on a staff, representing a person, organization, or cause. [6 definitions]
banquet an elaborate formal dinner. [4 definitions]
banshee in Irish folklore, a female spirit whose wailing forbodes the death of a loved one.
banter witty, playful conversation. [3 definitions]
baptism a Christian rite in which an applicant for membership to the church is sprinkled with or immersed in water, signifying purification. [2 definitions]
baptize to administer the Christian rite of immersion in or sprinkling with water, to purify symbolically and admit to church membership. [4 definitions]
bar1 a length of rigid, solid material, often cylindrical in shape, generally used as a barrier or support. [13 definitions]