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bat1 a heavy, shaped wooden or metal club used to strike the ball in baseball or cricket. [4 definitions]
bat2 any of various usu. night-flying mammals that have wings that are covered with membranes, and that sense objects mostly by means of reflected sound waves rather than by vision.
batch an amount or quantity used or produced in one operation. [2 definitions]
bath a process of washing or soaking something in order to cleanse, refresh, or heal. [5 definitions]
bathe to give a bath to; wash. [6 definitions]
bathing suit a garment worn for swimming; swimsuit.
bathrobe a loose garment worn before or after bathing, over nightwear, or casually in the home.
bathroom a room containing a bath or shower, a sink, and often a toilet. [2 definitions]
bathtub a large basin in which a person can sit and bathe.
bat mitzvah in the Jewish faith, a ceremony in which it is recognized that a girl has come of age to accept her religious responsibilities. [2 definitions]
baton a staff denoting position or authority. [4 definitions]
battalion a military unit usu. comprising a headquarters company and two or more infantry companies; the basic unit of a division. [2 definitions]
batter1 to beat hard and repeatedly, or to damage by so beating. [3 definitions]
batter2 a thick mixture of liquid, flour, eggs, and other ingredients, often baked into bread or cake.
batter3 the person who stands in to bat the ball in baseball or cricket.
battering ram a heavy wooden beam used by warriors in former times to break through doors, walls, gates, or the like. [2 definitions]
battery a device that generates electricity by means of chemical reactions. [5 definitions]
battle a hostile and violent meeting between two opposing sides; fight. [5 definitions]
battlefield the area in which a battle takes place.
battleground a battlefield.
battlement (often pl.) a parapet or defensive wall lining the top of a fortification, with indentations at regular intervals.