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bear1 to carry. [9 definitions]
bear2 a large, usu. omnivorous, furry mammal with a short tail. [5 definitions]
beard the facial hair of a man, or the extended growth of such hair. [4 definitions]
bearing manner of conduct, behavior, or physical carriage. [5 definitions]
bear up to face hardship without despairing; withstand difficulty or stress; be brave; endure.
bear with to continue with despite aggravations; be patient with; be tolerant of.
beast any four-footed mammal, esp. as distinguished from humans or from birds and invertebrates. [3 definitions]
beastly of or like a beast in appearance or manner. [2 definitions]
beat to hit (someone or something) repeatedly. [15 definitions]
beat around the bush to intentionally avoid the central matter or point.
beaten used by many people; much traveled. [4 definitions]
beat the tar out of (informal) to beat or whip severely. [2 definitions]
beautiful delighting the senses; having beauty; lovely. [3 definitions]
beautify to make beautiful.
beauty the quality of being beautiful or pleasing to the senses; loveliness. [4 definitions]
beaver1 an amphibious rodent with a thick brown pelt, a wide flat tail, and front teeth used as chisels to fell and strip small trees in the building of its damlike habitat. [3 definitions]
became past tense of become.
because for the reason that.
beckon to signal to come, esp. with a gesture. [3 definitions]
become to grow or come to be as indicated. [3 definitions]
become of to be the fate or outcome of; happen to.