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be spoiling for (informal) to be eager for.
best superlative of "good." [11 definitions]
bestow to give, as a gift or award (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). [2 definitions]
bet to agree to give up (usu. money) to another person if one's prediction of some future result does not occur. [7 definitions]
beta the name of the second letter of the Greek alphabet. [3 definitions]
betray to be disloyal to; commit treason against. [5 definitions]
better comparative of "good." [14 definitions]
better off in improved or happier circumstances.
between in the area separating. [6 definitions]
bet your boots be assured; feel certain.
be up to to be the rightful choice or responsibility of; to be dependent on (someone or something).
beverage any drinkable liquid, usu. excluding water or medicine.
beware to be wary or cautious (often used imperatively). [2 definitions]
bewilder to confuse or befuddle, esp. with too many or conflicting alternatives.
bewitch to enchant or cast a spell over with or as if with witchcraft. [2 definitions]
beyond past the far side of; farther on than; later than. [6 definitions]
beyond question without any doubt.
beyond the shadow of a doubt with absolute certainty; indeed.
Bhutan an Asian country in the Himalayas, between India and China.
bi- two; both. [3 definitions]
bias an inclination or preference that influences judgment; prejudice. [8 definitions]