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Bhutan an Asian country in the Himalayas, between India and China.
bi- two; both. [3 definitions]
bias an inclination or preference that influences judgment; prejudice. [8 definitions]
bib a piece of cloth tied under the chin and worn esp. by babies to protect the clothing during a meal. [2 definitions]
Bible the principal sacred writings of Judaism, comprising the Old Testament, and of Christianity, comprising both the Old and New Testaments. [3 definitions]
Biblical (often l.c.) of, pertaining to, or in the Bible. [2 definitions]
bibliography a list of writings about a certain subject. [4 definitions]
biceps a muscle divided in two parts at its origin, esp. the large muscle at the front of the upper arm that bends the elbow.
bicker to engage in a petty quarrel; squabble. [2 definitions]
bicuspid having two cusps or pointed ends, as certain teeth. [2 definitions]
bicycle a lightweight vehicle with two wheels one behind the other, handlebars for steering, pedals for locomotion, and a small saddlelike seat. (See cycle.) [2 definitions]
bid to say to. [8 definitions]
biennial occurring every second year. [5 definitions]
big large in size, number, extent, or weight. [7 definitions]
Big Dipper part of the constellation Ursa Major, made up of its seven brightest stars and forming the shape of a ladle, or dipper.
bighorn a wild sheep found in the Rocky Mountains of North America, the male of which has large, curved horns. (See Rocky Mountain sheep.)
big on excited about; having a liking for.
bike (informal) a bicycle, motorcycle, or motorbike. [2 definitions]
bile a bitter yellowish secretion of the liver that aids in the digestion of fats. [2 definitions]
bilingual capable of speaking two languages almost equally well. [2 definitions]
bill1 a written statement listing items or services and their cost. [7 definitions]