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bile a bitter yellowish secretion of the liver that aids in the digestion of fats. [2 definitions]
bilingual capable of speaking two languages almost equally well. [2 definitions]
bill1 a written statement listing items or services and their cost. [7 definitions]
bill2 the parts of a bird's jaw that form the beak. [3 definitions]
billboard a board for displaying outdoor advertisements or notices, esp. next to highways.
billfold a folding case for carrying paper money, often of leather and usu. small enough to fit into a pocket; wallet.
billiards (used with a sing. verb) a game played on a cloth-covered rectangular table that has a cushioned rim, in which players use a long cue stick to drive hard balls against one another or into pockets at the edges and corners of the table. (Cf. pool2.)
billion the number represented by the Arabic numeral 1,000,000,000. [5 definitions]
billow a large wave or surge in the ocean; swell. [4 definitions]
bin a storage container or space, as for such things as firewood, foods, or coal, or for things that will eventually be discarded. [2 definitions]
binary consisting of or characterized by two parts or components. [4 definitions]
binary system a numbering system with a base of two. In binary numbers, any number can be expressed by 1, 0, or a combination of these. The number five is written as "101" in the binary system.
bind to make secure by fastening, as with cord or the like. [13 definitions]
binder a large, sturdy notebook cover that contains a device for holding loose papers. [4 definitions]
bingo a game of chance in which markers are placed on numbered squares on a card, in accordance with numbers chosen randomly and announced by a caller, and which is won by placing five such markers in a row.
binocular pertaining to or involving the use of two eyes. [2 definitions]
biodegradable subject to decomposition by the action of living organisms such as bacteria.
biodiverse having a high level of biodiversity.
biodiversity the diversity of life forms on earth or part of the earth, including diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, esp. when regarded as providing the optimal conditions for evolution.
biography an account, usu. written, of the facts and circumstances of one person's life. [3 definitions]
biological of or pertaining to biology.