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binocular pertaining to or involving the use of two eyes. [2 definitions]
biodegradable subject to decomposition by the action of living organisms such as bacteria.
biodiverse having a high level of biodiversity.
biodiversity the diversity of life forms on earth or part of the earth, including diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, esp. when regarded as providing the optimal conditions for evolution.
biography an account, usu. written, of the facts and circumstances of one person's life. [3 definitions]
biological of or pertaining to biology.
biologist a scientist who specializes in biology.
biology the science that is concerned with the growth, development, and functioning of living things. [3 definitions]
bioluminescence the emission of light produced naturally by certain kinds of insects, fish, or bacteria, or such light itself.
biomass the quantity of living matter in a particular habitat measured by weight of organisms per unit of habitat area or by weight or volume of organisms per unit of habitat volume.
biome a major type of global region, such as forest, desert, or grassland, characterized by the community of plants and animals that have adapted to life under the particular soil and climatic conditions that a particular region presents. [2 definitions]
bionic consisting of or supplemented by electronic or mechanical devices. [3 definitions]
biplane an early type of airplane with two sets of wings mounted one above the other.
birch a deciduous tree or shrub with close-grained, hard wood and smooth bark that can be peeled off. [5 definitions]
bird a warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrate animal with wings and feathers, which usu. has the ability to fly. [5 definitions]
birdhouse a man-made nesting structure for birds, usu. built to look like a house. [2 definitions]
birds of a feather persons having common interests, values, opinions, or backgrounds.
birth the process or fact of being born. [4 definitions]
birthday the calendar day and month of one's birth, which is often celebrated as it occurs every year, or the day of the inception of something such as a nation.
birthmark a mark or mole on the skin present from birth.
birthplace the place of birth or origin, of a person or of an idea, movement, or the like.