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bit1 the metal part of a bridle that is placed in the mouth of an animal, usu. a horse, and used to restrain or control. [5 definitions]
bit2 a small amount; little piece. [4 definitions]
bit3 a unit of information in a computer; binary digit.
bit4 past tense and a past participle of bite.
bite to cut or pierce with the teeth. [19 definitions]
bitten a past participle of bite.
bitter having a sharp and unpleasant taste that is neither sour nor salty. [5 definitions]
black of or pertaining to the color black, the color of the night sky. [13 definitions]
black-and-white in shades of black and white only, as a photograph or film. [3 definitions]
black bear a North American bear, smaller than a grizzly bear, with thick black or brown fur. [2 definitions]
blackberry a berry, dark purple to black and composed of many large seeds. [2 definitions]
blackbird any of various common songbirds, the males of which are black or mostly black, such as the European thrush or the American red-winged blackbird.
blackboard a smooth, hard, dark-colored panel, often made of slate and suitable for writing on with chalk; chalkboard.
blackboard eraser an object made of bound layers of felt used for erasing chalk from a blackboard.
blacken to make black; make dark. [3 definitions]
black eye darkening and discoloration of the flesh around the eye, as from a bruise or blow. [2 definitions]
black hole a hypothetical region or body in space, possibly the remnants of a collapsed star, with such a strong gravitational pull that neither light nor matter can escape.
blackmail payment forced by threats to reveal damaging information; extortion. [3 definitions]
blackout the extinguishing or hiding of all the lights of a city or region, as in a power failure or air raid. [4 definitions]
black out to lose consciousness; faint.
Black Sea a sea surrounded by Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, and the Balkan Peninsula.