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bite to cut or pierce with the teeth. [19 definitions]
bitten a past participle of bite.
bitter having a sharp and unpleasant taste that is neither sour nor salty. [5 definitions]
black of or pertaining to the color black, the color of the night sky. [13 definitions]
black-and-white in shades of black and white only, as a photograph or film. [3 definitions]
black bear a North American bear, smaller than a grizzly bear, with thick black or brown fur. [2 definitions]
blackberry a berry, dark purple to black and composed of many large seeds. [2 definitions]
blackbird any of various common songbirds, the males of which are black or mostly black, such as the European thrush or the American red-winged blackbird.
blackboard a smooth, hard, dark-colored panel, often made of slate and suitable for writing on with chalk; chalkboard.
blackboard eraser an object made of bound layers of felt used for erasing chalk from a blackboard.
blacken to make black; make dark. [3 definitions]
black eye darkening and discoloration of the flesh around the eye, as from a bruise or blow. [2 definitions]
black hole a hypothetical region or body in space, possibly the remnants of a collapsed star, with such a strong gravitational pull that neither light nor matter can escape.
blackmail payment forced by threats to reveal damaging information; extortion. [3 definitions]
blackout the extinguishing or hiding of all the lights of a city or region, as in a power failure or air raid. [4 definitions]
black out to lose consciousness; faint.
Black Sea a sea surrounded by Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, and the Balkan Peninsula.
black sheep one who differs from and is often an embarrassment or disgrace to his or her family or group. This may be be due to this person's disreputable behavior, lack of worldly success, or difference in belief or point of view from that of the group.
blacksmith a person who makes, fits, and repairs horseshoes. [2 definitions]
blacktop a bituminous substance such as asphalt, used as pavement. [3 definitions]
black widow a small spider, widespread in the United States, of which the female has a shiny, black body with an hourglass-shaped red mark on its underside, a poisonous but usu. not fatal bite, and a reputation for sometimes devouring its mate.