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bleat the characteristic vocal sound of a goat, sheep, or calf. [4 definitions]
bled the past tense and past participle of "bleed."
bleed to lose blood. [7 definitions]
blemish to mar or otherwise cause imperfections in. [3 definitions]
blend to combine (two or more components) so thoroughly as to be unrecognizable in the resulting mixture. [9 definitions]
blender a machine used to prepare liquid foods by combining, chopping, and mixing at high speeds.
bless to make holy by religious ritual; sanctify. [5 definitions]
blessing the formal religious act of one who blesses, or the words spoken as part of such act. [4 definitions]
blew past tense of blow2.
blight a plant disease characterized by rapid destruction of parts or all of a plant. [5 definitions]
blimp an aircraft having a nonrigid structure filled with a buoyant gas; dirigible.
blind lacking the ability to see; sightless. [11 definitions]
blind as a bat barely able to see.
blindfold to cover the eyes with a strip of cloth or bandage. [4 definitions]
blink to close and open the eyes very quickly, usu. involuntarily; wink. [10 definitions]
blinker a flashing light, esp. one used on a vehicle to indicate the direction of a turn, or one used as a traffic signal. [2 definitions]
bliss extreme or supreme happiness. [2 definitions]
blister a thin, bubble-like swelling of the outer skin, resulting from a burn or other injury and containing fluid. [5 definitions]
blizzard a heavy and widespread snowstorm of lengthy duration. [2 definitions]
bloat to make swollen or distended, as with air or water. [5 definitions]
blob a shapeless, soft mass. [3 definitions]