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bluster to blow noisily and in gusts, as the wind. [5 definitions]
Blvd. abbreviation of "boulevard," a wide city street, often lined with trees or landscaped (used in a proper name).
boa constrictor a large nonpoisonous snake native to the American tropics that is pale brown with darker markings and that coils around and crushes its prey.
boar an uncastrated male pig. [3 definitions]
board a flat, cut piece of lumber; plank. [9 definitions]
boarding school an elementary or secondary school at which the students live as well as take classes.
boast to talk with an excess of pride, esp. about oneself; brag. [5 definitions]
boat a small, open vehicle for traveling on the surface of the water. [4 definitions]
boathouse a small building or shed built near or partly over the water's edge, and used to store boats.
bob1 a quick dipping motion; a nod up and down. [4 definitions]
bob2 a style of short haircut, usu. for women and children. [5 definitions]
bobbin a spool or spindle on which thread or yarn is wound for use in sewing, weaving, or the like.
bobcat a North American wildcat with a rusty, spotted coat, tufted ears, and a short tail; bay lynx.
bobolink a black, yellow, and white North American migratory songbird, so named for its cry.
bobsled a long racing sled with two separate sets of runners and mechanisms for steering and braking. [2 definitions]
bobwhite a small brown and white quail of North America, so named for its call.
bode1 to indicate about the future; portend.
bodily of or relating to the body of a human or animal. [2 definitions]
body the physical substance and form of a person or animal, including limbs, organs, tissue, and all other parts. [7 definitions]
bodyguard a person, often armed, who is employed to protect an individual or group from bodily harm.
bog an area of soft, wet earth and decayed vegetation; marsh. [2 definitions]