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boost to raise to a higher position by pushing from below. [6 definitions]
booster shot an injection of an immunizing agent, given at some time after an original series of such injections, to maintain immunity.
boot a covering for the foot and all or some of the leg, usu. made of leather or rubber and worn for protection. [10 definitions]
bootee a baby's soft, boot-like sock, usu. knitted or crocheted. [2 definitions]
booth a stall or compartment meant to accommodate one person or a small group. [2 definitions]
booty1 riches or goods stolen or taken as plunder in war; loot. [2 definitions]
border the outer part; edge; boundary. [6 definitions]
border on to almost be such; verge on.
bore1 to make a hole in with an instrument such as a drill. [7 definitions]
bore2 to weary with repetition, monotony, or dullness. [2 definitions]
bore4 past tense of bear1.
bored finding something tedious or dull; uninterested.
boredom the state of being bored; dullness; ennui.
boring2 causing one to be bored; tedious; monotonous; dull.
born brought into life by birth or in like manner. [4 definitions]
borne past participle of bear1 with meaning connected with carrying, supporting, or enduring.
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth born to wealthy parents and therefore having had privileges that others have not had.
born yesterday inexperienced and gullible; naive.
borough an incorporated town in certain states in the United States. [2 definitions]
borrow to take or receive (something) with the intention of returning it or something equivalent to it. [3 definitions]
Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1992, a Balkan republic bordered by Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia.