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bough a branch of a tree, esp. a main branch.
bought past tense and past participle of buy.
boulder a large detached rock.
boulevard a wide city street, often lined with trees or landscaped.
bounce to spring back or up following a collision, or to do so several times in succession. [10 definitions]
bounce back to recover completely or quickly.
-bound going toward, or planning to go to. [2 definitions]
bound1 held by bonds; tied. [5 definitions]
bound2 to leap; spring. [4 definitions]
bound3 anything that serves as a limit or restriction. [4 definitions]
bound4 on the way to; headed (usu. fol. by "for").
boundary a line, real or imaginary, that indicates the limits of something.
bountiful liberal in giving; generous. [2 definitions]
bounty the quality of giving in abundance; generosity. [3 definitions]
bouquet a decorative bunch of flowers. [2 definitions]
bout an athletic match, as between wrestlers or boxers. [3 definitions]
bow1 to bend the head or the upper part of the body forward in greeting, acknowledgment, consent, submission, or the like. [8 definitions]
bow2 a weapon, used for shooting arrows, made of a curved strip of wood or other material with a cord stretched taut between the two ends. [7 definitions]
bow3 the front part of a ship or boat. [3 definitions]
bow and scrape to behave with excessive politeness and deference.
bowel (usu. pl.) the part of the digestive organs below the stomach; intestine. [2 definitions]