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Brazil the largest South American country, on the Atlantic coast; United States of Brazil.
Brazilian of or pertaining to Brazil or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2 definitions]
breach the act, condition, or result of breaking or rupturing. [7 definitions]
bread a food made primarily with flour or meal and baked, usu. in a loaf shape. [4 definitions]
breadboard a board on which baked bread is cut or on which bread dough is kneaded. [2 definitions]
breadbox a kitchen container, usu. made of metal with an attached movable lid, used for storing bread.
breadth distance from side to side measured perpendicularly to length; width. [3 definitions]
breadwinner a member of a family or household who earns money to support the other members.
break to cause to separate suddenly or forcefully into pieces. [26 definitions]
break down to become ineffective or unable to function. [4 definitions]
breakdown a malfunction, as of a machine. [3 definitions]
breaker1 a person or thing that breaks, breaks into, or interrupts other things. [4 definitions]
breakfast the first meal of the day, usu. eaten in the morning. [2 definitions]
break in to enter a home or other property by force, without authorization, and with an illegal purpose. [3 definitions]
break the ice to relieve social tensions caused by formality or awkwardness. [2 definitions]
breast the front part of the thorax; chest. [6 definitions]
breastbone the bone located in the center of the chest that connects the two halves of the rib cage; sternum.
breath the air that flows into and out of the lungs during respiration. [4 definitions]
breathe to draw air into the lungs and expel it; respirate. [10 definitions]
breathing inhaling and exhaling; living; alive. [3 definitions]
breathless breathing heavily following great exertion. [3 definitions]