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bum (informal) a poor, homeless person; tramp. [5 definitions]
bumblebee any of various large, furry bees that emit a loud hum when flying or hovering.
bump to collide with (something) with a moderately forceful impact; thump. [7 definitions]
bumper anything that bumps. [7 definitions]
bumper car one of a number of miniature electric cars that are part of an amusement at a fair or carnival. People ride in the cars and try to bump into other cars or escape from being bumped. The cars are designed to be safe and enjoyable for the riders, most of whom are children.
bump into to meet by accident or chance.
bumpy covered with bumps; uneven. [3 definitions]
bun a loaf of bread small enough for a single serving; roll. [2 definitions]
bunch a collection of attached similar things. [5 definitions]
bundle an assemblage of things that have been tied, bound, or packaged together. [6 definitions]
bundle up to dress in warm clothing, esp. bulky clothing.
bungalow a small, cozy house; cottage.
bunk1 a small single bed attached to a wall, or one of a pair of single beds supported by a framework and positioned one on top of the other. [3 definitions]
bunny (informal) a rabbit, esp. a young one.
Bunsen burner a cylindrical burner, used in laboratories, that has holes at the bottom where air enters, mixes with gas, and produces a hot blue flame.
bunt1 in baseball, to tap (the ball) so that it lands in the front of the infield. [2 definitions]
buoy a float attached by line to the bottom of a body of water to mark a location. [5 definitions]
buoyancy the capacity to float or rise up in a liquid or gas. [2 definitions]
buoyant able to float or keep something else afloat. [3 definitions]
bur the spiny seed case of any of various plants such as the burdock or chestnut. [3 definitions]
burden1 something that is carried, borne, or endured, usu. with some difficulty. [3 definitions]