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bumpy covered with bumps; uneven. [3 definitions]
bun a loaf of bread small enough for a single serving; roll. [2 definitions]
bunch a collection of attached similar things. [5 definitions]
bundle an assemblage of things that have been tied, bound, or packaged together. [6 definitions]
bundle up to dress in warm clothing, esp. bulky clothing.
bungalow a small, cozy house; cottage.
bunk1 a small single bed attached to a wall, or one of a pair of single beds supported by a framework and positioned one on top of the other. [3 definitions]
bunny (informal) a rabbit, esp. a young one.
Bunsen burner a cylindrical burner, used in laboratories, that has holes at the bottom where air enters, mixes with gas, and produces a hot blue flame.
bunt1 in baseball, to tap (the ball) so that it lands in the front of the infield. [2 definitions]
buoy a float attached by line to the bottom of a body of water to mark a location. [5 definitions]
buoyancy the capacity to float or rise up in a liquid or gas. [2 definitions]
buoyant able to float or keep something else afloat. [3 definitions]
bur the spiny seed case of any of various plants such as the burdock or chestnut. [3 definitions]
burden1 something that is carried, borne, or endured, usu. with some difficulty. [3 definitions]
bureau a chest of drawers, often with a mirror. [3 definitions]
burger a cooked ground beef patty, usu. served as a sandwich; hamburger. [2 definitions]
burglar someone who forces entry into a building in order to commit robbery.
burial the act or process of putting something underground, esp. a dead body.
Burkina Faso a country in West Africa, south of Mali; formerly Upper Volta.
burlap a rough fabric made from strong plant fibers such as hemp or jute, used esp. for large packing bags.